Radio Protocol
SV Trailblazers uses the following radio protocol and is designed to ensure efficient and effective communication between all elements during a hike. Team Leaders and Group Leaders are expected to be versed in the correct radio protocol before leading a group.
Basic Etiquette Rules
All communications to be conducted in English.
Do not interrupt if you hear other people talking.
Do not respond if you aren’t sure the call is for you. Wait until you hear your call sign to respond.
Never transmit sensitive, confidential, financial or military information.
Perform radio checks to ensure your radio is in good working order.
Memorise call signs and locations of persons, groups, and radio stations you communicate with regularly.
Think before you speak
Decide what you are going to say and to whom it is meant for.
Make your conversations as concise, precise, and clear as possible.
Avoid long and complicated sentences. If your message is long, divide it into separate shorter messages.
Do not use abbreviations unless they are well understood by your group/team.
4 Golden Rules of Radio Communication
Clarity: Your voice should be clear. Speak a little slower than normal. Speak in a normal tone, do not shout.
Simplicity: Keep your message simple enough for intended listeners to understand.
Brevity: Be precise and to the point.
Security: Do not transmit confidential information on a radio unless you know the proper security technology is in place. Remember, frequencies are shared, you do not have exclusive control of the frequency.
Making a Call
Follow these easy steps to make a call.
First listen to ensure the channel is clear for you.
Press the PTT (Push-To-Talk) button.
After 2 seconds:
Say “recipient’s call sign”.
Followed by “This is” and “your call sign”.
Once the person replies, convey your message.
Sample Dialogue
Below is sample dialogue that puts these standards to use.
TB1: TB2, this is TB1. Over.
TB2: TB1, this is TB2. Stand By. Over.
TB2: TB1, this is TB2. Go Ahead. Over.
TB1: TB2, TB1 has arrived at Form Up Point 2. Over.
TB2: TB1, this is TB2, confirming TB1 has arrived at Form Up Point 2. Good job. Over.
TB1: TB2, this is TB1. Roger that. Out.
Radio Communication Tips
Leave a second or two between “hand-offs” to give others a chance to break in.
It is always best to speak in short simple phrases on the radio and toss the conversation back and forth with the word “Over”.
Don’t speak immediately when you press the PTT (Push-To-Talk) button, especially with digital radios which among all their benefits have a slightly longer delay. Wait 2-3 seconds.
If you speak as soon as you press the PTT button, it can chop off your first syllable or word, making you hard to understand. If that word does make it, you will just have to say it again and run down your batteries faster.
Radio User’s Language
STAND-BY - Transmission has been acknowledged but I am unable to respond now.
GO AHEAD - Resume transmission.
ROGER - Message received and understood.
OVER - Transmission finished.
OUT - Communication is over and the channel is available for others.
WILCO - Will comply with instructions given.
NOTHING HEARD - I called you and did not hear a response.
CORRECT - You are correct.
WRONG - You are not correct.
SAY AGAIN - Re-transmit your message.
ALL AFTER / ALL BEFORE - Used with SAY AGAIN if end of message unclear.
I SAY AGAIN - I will repeat my message.
CORRECTION - I made a mistake. Then send correct words start with last correct word.
I READ BACK - I will repeat your message.
I SPELL - Said before spelling a word/name using the Standard NATO Alphabet.
Conducting Radio Check
RADIO CHECK - Ask for a check on your radio signal.
RADIO CHECK ROGER - if strong and OK
Standard NATO Alphabet
A - Alpha (“AL fah”) | M - Mike (“Mike”) | Y - Yankee |
B - Bravo (“BRAH voh”) | N - November (“NOH vem ber”) | Z - Zulu |
C - Charlie (“CHAR lee”) | O - Oscar (“OSS car”) | 0 - Zero (“ZE-RO”) |
D - Delta (“DEL tah”) | P - Papa (“PAH pah”) | 1 - One (“WUN”) |
E - Echo (“EKK oh”) | Q - Quebec (“keh BECK”) | 2 - Two (“TOO”) |
F - Foxtrot (“FOKS trot”) | R - Romeo (“ROW me oh”) | 3 - Three (“TREE”) |
G - Golf (“Golf”) | S - Sierra (“see AIR ah”) | 4 - Four (“FOW-ER”) |
H - Hotel (“HO tell”) | T - Tango (“TANG go”) | 5 - Five (“FIFE”) |
I - India (“IN dee ah”) | U - Uniform (“YOU nee form”) | 6 - Six (“SIX”) |
J - Juliet (“JEW lee ett”) | V - Victor (“VIK ter”) | 7 - Seven (“SEV-EN”) |
K - Kilo (“KEY loh”) | W - Whiskey (“WISS key”) | 8 - Eight (“AIT”) |
L - Lima (“LEE mah”) | X - X-ray (“EKS ray”) | 9 - Nine (“NIN-ER”) |