SAF Lexicon

SVxSV > Handbook > Doctrine


11BSAF ID Card11B stands for the 11 basic info items found on it.
5BX5 Basic Exercises
9BSAFVC ID Card9B because SVs have less info.
ATAdvanced Training
AVPUAlert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive
AWOLAbsent Without Official Leave
BICBattlefield Innoculation CoursePew pew in the sand.
BMTBasic Military TrainingWhat the NSFs go through for 2-6 months.
BTBasic TrainingWhat SVs go through for 2 weeks.
BTP TestBasic Trainfire Package Test
CAFChief of Air Force
CAT1Category 1 Thunderstorm WarningAll outdoor activities stop.
CDAChief of Army
CDFChief of Defence Force
CNVChief of Navy
COCommanding OfficerUsually, the officer in charge of a formation. Senior.
DBDetention Barracks
DISDigital and Intelligence Service
DODuty Officer
DSDuty Sergeant
FADFirst Aid DeviceBandage, kept in left cargo pocket.
FAKFirst Aid Kit
FBOFull Battle Order
FSMFormation Sergeant MajorReferred to as Sergeant Major.
GFAKGroup First Aid Kit
HK ICTHigh Key In-Camp TrainingICT that lasts 7 days or more.
ICTIn-Camp Training
IFAKIndividual First Aid Kit
IFCIndividual Field Craft
iLBVIntegrated Load Bearing Vest
IMTIndividual Marksman TrainerPew pew in A/C.
IPPTIndividual Physical Proficiency Test
LAWLight Anti-tank WeaponFor SAF, this is typically the MATADOR.
LBSLoad Bearing System
LK ICTLow Key In-Camp TrainingICT that lasts 6 days or less.
LOALetter of Authorisation
M203Single shoot 40mm under barrel grenade launcher
MATADORMan-portable, Anti-Tank, Anti-Door90mm one-time use.
MOMedical Officer
MUTMake-Up Training
NATONo Action Talk Only
NSFNational Serviceman (Full Time)A person doing National Service for 2 years.
NSmanNational Service (Operationally Ready)A person who has ORD'd.
OCOfficer CommandingUsually, the officer in charge of an activity.
OCSOfficer Cadet School
OOCOut of Course
ORDOperationally Ready DateThe end of full-time National Service and the start of the NSman period.
ORNSOperationally Ready National Service
OTOTOwn Time, Own Target
PCPlatoon CommanderUsually a 2LT or LTA.
PEPersonal EquipmentThe gear that SAF issued to you.
PESPhysical Employment Standard
QTQualification Training
RSAFRepublic of Singapore Air Force
RSNRepublic of Singapore Navy
SAFSingapore Armed ForcesThe entirety of the 4 branches
SAF HSPSAF Health Screening Programme
SAF100Official SAF Call Up Notice
SAF100VOfficial SAF Call Up Notice for SVs
SAFSASAF Sporting Association
SAR21Singapore Assault Rifle - 21st Century
SAWSection Assault WeaponFor SAF, this is typically the Unimax 100 light machine gun.
SBOStandard Battle Order
SCSection CommanderUsually a 3SG.
SCSSpecial Cadet School
SMASergeant Major of the Army
SOCStandard Obstacle Course
SOLSuspension of LeaveAn NSF has committed a serious enough breach but avoided DB.
WOSEWarrant Officers, Specialists and Enlistees
WOSPECWarrant Officers and Specialists


Bobo ShooterPoor marksman
Drop 20Drop down and do 20 push-ups
Water ParadeDrink water (lots of it)
Ah Gongslang for Government
Work YearStarts on 1 April and ends on 31 March
Sign ExtraSign extra duties, usually as punishment.
Never MindThe speaker certainly does mind, expect to drop 20.
Knock it down Drop down and do however many push-ups.


All information has been sourced from online sources or personal experience. Please contact SVxSV Admin if there are any inaccuracies, errata or outdated info.


Building a First Aid Kit


Pre-Deployment Check